Why 10x Optimize?

3 min readMar 5, 2021
The 10x Optimize dashboard is displayed on a computer monitor, the dashboard is dark blue, grey and white

Genuine behavioral change — the holy grail in any development programme.

Whilst a traditional coaching programme might offer a temporary culture shift. achieving lasting change takes the initiative to cultivate proactive engagement.

10x Optimize provides access to a wealth of information on what influences performance, motivation, engagement and wellbeing outcomes for employees at an individual, team and organizational level.

This allows organizations to make the most appropriate decisions about development of the workforce and promote positive behavioral change.

In an ever-evolving work environment, this has never been more important, with the cost of replacing employees estimated to be upwards of £30k. The costs associated with employee development are entirely justifiable as retaining staff through development and retraining is far more economic than hiring new staff

Enabling employees to take mastery over their work means providing a sense of control and opportunity to consistently develop and improve. This in turn, fosters their interest and directly engages them in their professional development. For this to happen, the current ability level of your staff must be reliably established.

10x Psychology empowers organisations by combining a clear, step-by-step process with tailored advice and support. Our solutions offer the potential to uncover not only what the strengths and weaknesses exist, but rather determine the specific facets that enable and drive performance across your organisation.

10x Optimize takes this one step further by using psychometrics and surveys to produce a training needs analysis and detailed insight into both teams and individuals. This enables managers to glean specific insights per team, and for individuals themselves to benefit from targeted development recommendations linked to motivation, wellbeing and performance in the workplace.

10x Optimize offers clients sustainable, efficient change across their entire organisation, from specific teams, to top talent cohorts. By supporting workforces to play to their strengths, develop areas for performance gain and motivate according to personal preference, organisations holistically benefit from a resilient and optimistic workforce.

Using machine learning and behavioral economics centred around Nudge Theory, 10x Optimize encourages individuals to interact and master their own development, putting them in the driving seat. As well as utilizing our best-in-class psychometrics (10x Personality®, 10x Motivation®, and 10x Ability®), the interactive dashboard includes several feedback surveys (Talent, Employee Experience, Wellbeing etc). Gathering multiple data sources in one place facilitates quick and easy analysis and encourages users to act upon insights to embed learning, ultimately leading to long-lasting improvements.

Harriet Grinyer-Doswell, 10x Psychology’s Head of Sales and Customer Experience, is all too familiar with the need to justify investment in employee development, whether that be in time or money, having spent a number of years as a senior talent development professional.

“It’s important that our people experts are supported in taking the next step in talent and development practices. We must empower both HR and managers to be able to confidently implement development in their workplace, rather than see it as something done somewhere else [like in a classroom]. We want to put the power of development back into the hands of the employers and employees — and 10x Optimize is the solution which allows us to do that.”

10x Psychology has taken a quantum shift towards a new era of psychometrics by improving people decisions through real-time insight.

10x Optimize is a tool that allows organizations to take a quantum shift towards a new era of employee, team and organizational development

Contact us to book a demo, and see 10x Optimize in action.




Founded by Professor Peter Saville, 10x Psychology significantly improves people performance in the workplace through insight, science and technology