Developing Leaders That Sustain Success
In an increasingly dispersed remote business world, a secure foundation for work relies on having dependable and impactful leaders across your organization that can motivate, inspire and sustain every employee’s development.
Great leadership inspires development across an organization, from the business, to its people. As a business expands however, feedback, attention and coaching can all begin to slip, unravelling years of work and destabilizing the workforce. Establishing and maintaining a sustainable framework for every individual to work at their best means having effective leaders at every level ready to take the helm and foster continued progress.
In this article, we’ll provide an insight into how to cultivate and develop leadership internally to foster sustained growth.
“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders”
Tom Peters, Business Management Practices Writer
Hiring High Potentials
Taking a step back to inform your hiring process with your long-term goals means ensuring that you have carved out space for your new hire to develop and grow alongside your organization. Although high potential candidates are often grouped as a term, what that potential translates to is specific to your organization, and industry.
Once you’ve gathered ideal characteristics and abilities, filtering candidates via these can be a subjective, and difficult process — this is where 10x Hire comes in. 10x Hire enables you to deploy our industry leading-psychometrics and cutting edge analytics to quickly, effectively and reliably ascertain the personality, motivations and cognitive ability of huge groups. Instead of relying on static reports, our Solutions convert all of this data in real-time onto our visual dashboard, harnessing the power of digital transformation and science to provide you with a visual key to the hiring process.
10x Predict takes this one step further by predicting the employee trajectory of potential hires — this allows you to understand how a potential employee might develop, and even how long they might stay at your company for — enabling you to prioritize investing in the right place.
Owning Development
There are clear financial benefits to promoting internal talent development that stem from the enhanced work deployment systems that emerge when leaders are positioned across a business.
“Organizations that extend development of high potential talent below senior levels are 4.2 times more likely to financially outperform those that don’t.”
DDI, Global Leadership Forecast 2018
Implementing this development however, is often approached as a manager’s responsibility, and therefore to keep things practical, style, content and trajectory of a development plan can lack personalization.
At 10x, we believe in a better way forward for organizations to promote the development of their people.
Using 10x Optimize, managers can empower employees to tackle any and every area across their professional performance through tailored nudges. By focusing on nudges, over set training courses, 10x Optimize promotes manageable development goals that are truly reflective of each person.
Enabling employees to take ownership of their development in this way means establishing meaningful goals to improve autonomy, create a culture of responsibility, and facilitate sustained growth across your organization.
Forging Paths Ahead
When new leaders emerge and teams segment, it’s integral to ensure that those entering new managerial positions understand how to lead, and connect with the teams they’re expected to work with.
Using our Solutions at this point can save new leaders months of either figuring things out themselves or scouring through reports and HR notes by translating every piece of data onto our dynamic visual dashboard.
“Managers have become experts on “the what” of leadership, but novices in the “how” of their own development.”
‘A Theory of Team Coaching’, Published in The Academy of Management Review
Whilst 10x Predict enables leaders to identify emerging talent and harness potential, 10x Optimize provides the groundwork and tools for a full optimization of an entire organization, empowering new leaders with insights into the personalities, motivations and abilities of all employees whilst nudging every person, including themselves, towards success.